Contact information
3515 17 Ave SE, Unit #218
Calgary AB T2A 0R5, Canada
You can also write to us using the below template.
Social medias
+1(587) 707-2989 - Cellphone
+1(403) 800-9850 - Land line
+1(888) 927-1883 - Fax
When calling, please leave a brief message including your phone number. We will get back to you as soon as possible, usually in 48 hours.(Depending on our office our) Because of the sheer volume of calls we are getting, we might not be able to answer all calls or can not call back to all missed calls unless a message is left in our voicemail with your contact information.
Based on the information you provided in this assessment form, we will give you advice if you are illegible to immigrate to Canada and which category best suits you. For phone or in person consultation, please book an appointment by calling or texting at +1(587) 707-2989.
If you want to send your information for assessment, please click Assessment form below to go to the form page.